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패즈설치시 오류

페이지 정보

2012-12-06 13:53  |  Posted By shyun168


패즈설치시layout과 logic과 같은 꼭필요한 프로그램들이 에러메세지가 출력되면서
설치가 안되길래 Verify Installation이란 항목에서 체크해봤더니

Products Verified - sorted by Target
FAILED Product: PADS Layout - C:\MentorGraphics\9.2PADS
ERROR: The file C:\MentorGraphics\9.2PADS\SDD_HOME\CAMCAD\ECADParser.dll does not exist.
ERROR: The expected size of the file:C:\MentorGraphics\9.2PADS\SDD_HOME\CAMCAD\SysGl.dll is 880640, the actual size is 230
ERROR: The expected size of the file:C:\MentorGraphics\9.2PADS\SDD_HOME\pads\win32\padsInstUtil.dll is 153600, the actual size is 252
ERROR: The file C:\MentorGraphics\9.2PADS\SDD_HOME\Programs\sbent532.ocx does not exist.
ERROR: The file C:\MentorGraphics\win32\configurator.exe.manifest does not exist.
ERROR: The file C:\MentorGraphics\win32\mgc_olh.dll does not exist.
FAILED Product: PADS Libraries - C:\MentorGraphics\9.2PADS
ERROR: The expected size of the file:C:\MentorGraphics\9.2PADS\SDD_HOME\pads\win32\padsInstUtil.dll is 153600, the actual size is 252
ERROR: The file C:\MentorGraphics\win32\configurator.exe.manifest does not exist.
ERROR: The file C:\MentorGraphics\win32\mgc_olh.dll does not exist.
FAILED Product: PADS Logic - C:\MentorGraphics\9.2PADS
ERROR: The expected size of the file:C:\MentorGraphics\9.2PADS\SDD_HOME\pads\win32\padsInstUtil.dll is 153600, the actual size is 252
ERROR: The file C:\MentorGraphics\9.2PADS\SDD_HOME\Programs\sbent532.ocx does not exist.
ERROR: The file C:\MentorGraphics\win32\configurator.exe.manifest does not exist.
ERROR: The file C:\MentorGraphics\win32\mgc_olh.dll does not exist.
 Verify completed with ERRORS found.

이런식으로 출력이 됩니다.
문제점이 무엇인지 답변 부탁드릴게요.

박경희님의 댓글

박경희  |

안녕하세요. 이디앤씨 입니다.
C:\MentorGraphics\win32 폴더에 있는 Configurator.exe를 실행해 보시고
문제가 지속될경우 당사로 전화주시면
원격 설치 지원해 드리겠습니다.

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