PADS 제품에 대해서 자세히 알고 싶은가요? 사용 중에 궁금한 점이 있으신가요?
Support를 통해서 도움을 받으세요.
PADS 제품에 대한 문의와 사용상의 질문에 대한 답변을 드리고, 사용 동영상 강좌 등의 유용한 정보들을 제공해 드립니다.
ECO to PCB 를 했을때 에러입니다.
Line 6 , Section *DEL_ATTRIBUTE*
* WARNING: Processing command to delete attribute "Footprint" from Component C501.
* The attribute is also inherited from Decal C1005.
* The change is not fully reconciled for cases where the schematic
* does not support hierarchical attributes.
Line 8 , Section *DEL_ATTRIBUTE*
* WARNING: Processing command to delete attribute "Footprint" from Component C503.
* The attribute is also inherited from Decal C1005.
* The change is not fully reconciled for cases where the schematic
* does not support hierarchical attributes.
Line 10 , Section *DEL_ATTRIBUTE*
* WARNING: Processing command to delete attribute "Footprint" from Component C504.
* The attribute is also inherited from Decal C1005.
* The change is not fully reconciled for cases where the schematic
* does not support hierarchical attributes.
Line 12 , Section *DEL_ATTRIBUTE*
* WARNING: Processing command to delete attribute "Footprint" from Component C505.
* The attribute is also inherited from Decal C1005.
* The change is not fully reconciled for cases where the schematic
* does not support hierarchical attributes.
Line 14 , Section *DEL_ATTRIBUTE*
* WARNING: Processing command to delete attribute "Footprint" from Component C506.
* The attribute is also inherited from Decal C1005.
* The change is not fully reconciled for cases where the schematic
* does not support hierarchical attributes.
Line 16 , Section *DEL_ATTRIBUTE*
* WARNING: Processing command to delete attribute "Footprint" from Component C508.
* The attribute is also inherited from Decal C1005.
* The change is not fully reconciled for cases where the schematic
* does not support hierarchical attributes.
Line 18 , Section *DEL_ATTRIBUTE*
* WARNING: Processing command to delete attribute "Footprint" from Component C509.
* The attribute is also inherited from Decal C1005.
* The change is not fully reconciled for cases where the schematic
* does not support hierarchical attributes.
Line 20 , Section *DEL_ATTRIBUTE*
* WARNING: Processing command to delete attribute "Footprint" from Component C510.
* The attribute is also inherited from Decal C1005.
* The change is not fully reconciled for cases where the schematic
* does not support hierarchical attributes.
Line 22 , Section *DEL_ATTRIBUTE*
* WARNING: Processing command to delete attribute "Footprint" from Component C511.
* The attribute is also inherited from Decal C1005.
* The change is not fully reconciled for cases where the schematic
* does not support hierarchical attributes.
Line 24 , Section *DEL_ATTRIBUTE*
* WARNING: Processing command to delete attribute "Footprint" from Component C512.
* The attribute is also inherited from Decal C1005.
* The change is not fully reconciled for cases where the schematic
* does not support hierarchical attributes.
Line 26 , Section *DEL_ATTRIBUTE*
* WARNING: Processing command to delete attribute "Footprint" from Component C515.
* The attribute is also inherited from Decal C1005.
* The change is not fully reconciled for cases where the schematic
* does not support hierarchical attributes.
Line 28 , Section *DEL_ATTRIBUTE*
* WARNING: Processing command to delete attribute "Footprint" from Component C550.
* The attribute is also inherited from Decal C1005.
* The change is not fully reconciled for cases where the schematic
* does not support hierarchical attributes.
Line 30 , Section *DEL_ATTRIBUTE*
* WARNING: Processing command to delete attribute "Footprint" from Component C551.
* The attribute is also inherited from Decal C1005.
* The change is not fully reconciled for cases where the schematic
* does not support hierarchical attributes.
Line 32 , Section *DEL_ATTRIBUTE*
* WARNING: Processing command to delete attribute "Footprint" from Component C552.
* The attribute is also inherited from Decal C1005.
* The change is not fully reconciled for cases where the schematic
* does not support hierarchical attributes.
Line 34 , Section *DEL_ATTRIBUTE*
* WARNING: Processing command to delete attribute "Footprint" from Component C553.
* The attribute is also inherited from Decal C1005.
* The change is not fully reconciled for cases where the schematic
* does not support hierarchical attributes.
Line 36 , Section *DEL_ATTRIBUTE*
* WARNING: Processing command to delete attribute "Footprint" from Component C63.
* The attribute is also inherited from Decal C1005.
* The change is not fully reconciled for cases where the schematic
* does not support hierarchical attributes.
Line 38 , Section *DEL_ATTRIBUTE*
* WARNING: Processing command to delete attribute "Footprint" from Component C77.
* The attribute is also inherited from Decal C1005.
* The change is not fully reconciled for cases where the schematic
* does not support hierarchical attributes.
ED&C님의 댓글
ED&C |안녕하세요. 이디앤씨입니다.
DEL_ATTRIBUTE 메시지는 Footprint라는 속성을 지우겠다는 메시지입니다.
회로도에는 없지만 PCB 상에서 속성값을 지정하시는 경우,
[PADS Layout Link]-[Preferences]에서 Include Attributes를 체크해제하고 사용하시기바랍니다.